IMPACT Therapeutics is pleased to announce the closing of a round of VC financing. The VC firms include,The Lilly Asia Ventures, Cenova Ventures and WuXi AppTec Ventures, who are among the best known venture firms in the biomedical sectors in China. The three venture companies will bring to IMPACT the cutting-edge R&D and management concept in addition to providing strong financial support that will greatly accelerate the development of IMPACT’s preclinical candidates including PARP-1 inhibitor IMP4297 and hedgehog pathway inhibitor IMP5364.
About Lilly Asia Ventures
Lilly Asia Ventures was founded in 2008, and makes venture capital investments in the life sciences and healthcare sectors in Asia, particularly China. Lilly Asia Ventures are affiliated with Eli Lilly and Company, a fortune 500 company and one of the most globalized and innovative pharmaceutical companies in the world. This affiliation allows Lilly Asia Ventures to provide proprietary capital, industry expertise, and global resources to its portfolio companies to accelerate their growth.
About Cenova Ventures
Founded in 2010 by a uniquely qualified international consortium, Cenova Ventures is one of the few venture capital firms solely dedicated to life sciences and healthcare investment in China. Cenova shares a vision and passion with its entrepreneurs and management teams: to IMPACT the evolving Chinese healthcare system by improving the quality of life and delivering true value for all its stakeholders.
About WuXi Ventures
WuXi Ventures is the corporate venture capital arm of WuXi AppTec, a world’s leading capability and technology platform company. The fund invests globally in life science companies, with an emphasis on China and the US. WuXi Ventures leverage the expertise and capabilities of the parent company, and take an active role in the portfolio companies and work with management teams and fellow venture investors to create significant value. The ultimate goal is to serve and benefit patients.
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